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Campsite Working weekend Farningham Woods

10th April 2010

Campsite Working weekend Farningham Woods

Working weekend to develop the Eynsford & Farningham campsite at the District Site in the woods. This is that last weekend we are able to do this unitil Septmeber due to Farningham Woods being designated a SSSI site.

The plan for the next working weekend is to fell and clear the remaining trunks on the Saturday, and make a start on grubbing out the stumps on the Sunday. We will hopefully have the assistance of the digger for some of this, for the final pulling of each stump, but we will need to dig by hand around each stump first to loosen the roots and cut the biggest ones. 

The next working weekend is the second weekend in April (10th and 11th April), so put it in your diaries. Once we have cut and cleared the last few trunks, which may take most of Saturday, we need groups working on each stump, so the more the merrier on the Sunday! Please bring spades, shovels, forks and rakes. 
We have tea and coffee facilities on site :) 



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