Your Group needs you!...
19th April 2010
After many years of excellent service to the Group our Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer & Fundraiser have all indicated they are stepping down at the Group Annual General Meeting on 26th May to allow new blood to continue the excellent Scouting provided to the young people of Eynsford & Farningham.
We are actively seeking to fill these important positions as soon as possible to keep the Group running smoothly. The organisation of fund-raising is a key activity for the Group Executive as the termly subscriptions go nowhere near covering the cost of running the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts. We would welcome your support - either serving on the Executive, helping us raise funds or coming up with ideas to improve the quality of Scouting.
We have an excellent Chairman Elect - David Murphy who is stepping up from his role as Cub parent rep, daivd has been a member of the Group Excutive Committee for 2 years and is looking forward to the challenge of his new role.
Group Executive meetings take up about 12 hours a year - they usually meet every other month.
For job descriptions of the Secretary & Treasurer roles please click the links below.
or contact Bruce Muckelt, Group Scout Leader on 0844 414 5863 or email to