Newspaper & recycling update
24th December 2010
Newspaper & recycling update...
It's now 10 months since we started this recycling project in the Group and we'ree delighted to say it's grown enourmously since March.
This initiative has added £750.00 to Group funds!
We are very grateful to our regular donators from the villages; Farningham Oak, Eagle Heights, The Five Bells, Normans the Butchers & Rafferty's who all dontate their carboard each month to our collection. Also thanks got to all the other supporters from Eynsford & Farningham who make a contribution, and to the Beavers, Cubs Scouts & Explorers who do their bit as well.
For 2011 to add a bit of spice to the monthly collections we are running an inter Section competiton between the sections, each section is going to be part of a monthly rota to see who can collect the most paper in the year at the end of the year we hope to award them with the Environement Participation Badge.
As you will see from the Graph below December was our second highest month even the snow couldn't prevent us!