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Beavers go Banana's

19th December 2009

Beavers go Banana's


The Beavers recently went Banana's when taking part in their Global Challenge for which they had to find out about Fair Trade...

They have recently been working on a project on Fair Trade which will help them earn their Global Challenge badge. Over the last few weeks they have been focusing on the Culture part of the badge. Activities have included learning about the Fair Trade organisation and the different products they produce, not just chocolate!

The Beavers learnt about a family of Farmers in Argentina and how life was for them before Fair Trade came along and how life is now. There has been plenty of eating involved over the course of the meetings, tasting food from different countries and learning where it all comes from. Fair Trade have themselves got involved by sending badges, stickers and information packs for the Beavers to have fun with.

The highlight of the challenge was a trip to Sainsbury's in Otford where each lodge was given a questionnaire to find four different Fair Trade products in the store and purchase one for under £2.00. They also had to find out if the Fair Trade products were cheaper, more expensive or the same price as a non Fair Trade product.. The result of the shopping was interesting in that there wasn't a mountain of chocolate in the baskets. Aside from chocolate the eagle eyed Beavers found tea bags, satsumas and a jar of marmalade! The trip was rounded off in style with a trip to the local McDonald's for a well earned tea!

District Camp Hope Hill 2014
28th October 2014

District Camp Hope Hill 2014

District Camp Hope Hill 2014 55 Beavers, Cubs & Scouts & Explorers and six Leaders camped at Gravesham District Scouts' Hope Hill campsite at the...

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